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WB Checking Accounts

Portfolio Checking
Performance Checking
CT Signature Checking
CT Free Checking
CT 16-25 Checking
Monthly Maintenance Service Charge $30 $20 $10 Free Free
How To Avoid Monthly Maintenance Service Charge Maintain a $200,000 minimum daily combined balance in consumer deposit accounts3 Maintain a $15,000 minimum daily combined balance in WB Performance Checking & CT Performance Plus Money Market; or $50,000 in consumer deposit & loan accounts4 Maintain a $5,000 minimum daily combined balance in WB Signature Checking & Signature Savings; or $25,000 in consumer deposit & loan accounts5 N/A N/A
Combined Money Market/Savings 1 CT Portfolio
Money Market

CT Performance Plus
Money Market


Statement Savings

Statement Savings

WB ATM Surcharges None None None None None
Rebates of Other Banks’ ATM Surcharges Unlimited Rebates Unlimited Rebates Ten Rebates6 Five Rebates6 Ten Rebates6
ATM/POS (point of sale) Daily Limits $1,500 ATM
$3,500 POS
$1,500 ATM
$3,500 POS
$500 ATM
$2,500 POS
$500 ATM
$2,500 POS
$500 ATM
$2,500 POS
Free Checks Free for life Free for life Free for life First order free First order free
Eligible for
CT Portfolio CDs
Yes No No No No
Eligible for
CT Signature CDs
(+ 0.10% Interest Rate Increase)7
Yes Yes No No
Free Treasurer’s Checks Yes Yes No No No
Savings Overdraft Protection Free Free Free Free Free
Deluxe® Provent Identity Protection ID Protect Plus Included
(Monitoring Requires Activation)8
ID Restoration Included
(Monitoring Available)
Available Available Available
Digital Banking Services Included Included Included Included Included
Other Benefits Free 3" x 5" Safe Deposit Box9
Open an Account Open an Account Open an Account Open an Account Open an Account

1 Your money market or savings, account is free if you link it to the corresponding checking account to receive one combined monthly statement.

2 Must be between the ages of 18 and 25 to qualify or between the ages of 16 and 17 with a qualified adult co-owner. eStatements required.

3 Maintain a combined total minimum daily balance of $200,000.00 in this account, WB Interest Checking, WB Free Checking, WB CT Free Checking, WB 16-25 Checking, WB CT 16-25 Checking, Portfolio Money Market, CT Portfolio Money Market, Summit Money Market, Free Statement Savings, Classic Statement Savings, Ready Set Grow Savings, all consumer Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and lndividual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), The Tax Reporting Owner on the WB Portfolio Checking account must be an owner on each account and have a combined statement to be considered for the combined balance waiver.

4Maintain a combined total minimum daily balance of $50,000.00 in this account, WB Interest Checking, WB Free Checking, WB CT Free Checking, WB 16-25 Checking, WB CT 16-25 Checking, Performance Money Market, CT Performance Plus Money Market, Summit Money Market, Free Statement Savings, Classic Statement Savings, Ready Set Grow Savings, all consumer Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), and Home Equity Loans, Home Equity Lines of Credit, Mortgage Loans, Construction Loans. Land Loans, Mobile Home Loans, Car Loans, Motorcycle, RV and Boat Loans, Pool and Spa Loans, and Personal Lines of Credit. The Tax Reporting Owner on the WB Performance Checking account must be an owner on each account and have a combined statement to be considered for the combined balance waiver. The current outstanding principal balance of the loan account(s)*) will be used when calculating balances for purposes of the maintenance, service charge waiver.

5 Maintain a combined total minimum daily balance of $25,000.00 in this account, WB Interest Checking, WB Free Checking, WB CT Free Checking, WB 16-25 Checking, WB CT 16-25 Checking, Signature Savings, Summit Money Market, Free Statement Savings, Classic Statement Savings, Ready Set Grow Savings, all consumer Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), and Home Equity Loans. Home Equity Lines of Credit, Mortgage Loans. Construction Loans, Land Loans, Mobile Home Loans, Car Loans, Motorcycle, RV and Boat Loans, Pool and Spa Loans, and Personal Lines of Credit. The Tax Reporting Owner on the WB Signature Checking account must be an owner on each account and have a combined statement to be considered for the combined balance waiver. The current outstanding principal balance of the loan account(s) will be used when calculating balances for purpose, of the maintenance service charge waiver.

6 Rebated ATM surcharge will be first 5 or 10 per statement cycle.

7 Applies to new and renewing Signature CDs and Signature IRA CDs upon customer request

8 Must be activated by the customer to receive the full benefits of the service.

9 Annual rental fee will be waived for one 3"x5" safe deposit box; availability varies by location.